Dr. José Ramón González Juanatey


Cardiología. Jefe de Servicio de Cardiología y Cuidados Criticos Cardiológicos del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela.


José González-Juanatey is Director of the Cardiology Department in the Santiago de Compostela University Hospital and a full professor of cardiology in the Santiago de Compostela School of Medicine, Spain. He is past President of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and was previously an advisor in cardiovascular health for the Spanish Ministry of Health. Professor González-Juanatey was awarded the 2014 Physician-of-the-Year award in Spain. Professor González-Juanatey has been involved in the steering committee and end-point validation committee of several major cardiovascular clinical trials and in the Task Force of the ESC clinical guidelines, including the ESC Heart Failure Guidelines 2016. He is currently Principal Investigator in multiple major international clinical trials in cardiology and has been involved in more than 300 publications in international journals.